I wonder, what the goal of the developers of this app really is. ...
... Is it to make customers angry, as soon as they discover that it will cost them about 6,50€ of in-app purchases to unlock all features the app currently has to offer? Each of these "add-ons" is 0,79€ or more. Why pay for a sinlgle feature? The same Money could buy whole apps. Tss, tss, tss ...
... Is it to prevent potential customers (provided they are smart enough to take a look at the ridiculous expensive in-app purchases before they push the buy button) from making the purchase of the app at all?
... Is it to demonstrate to the world, that the same human beings that are smart enough to develop sophisticated software can be completely stupid when it comes to marketing strategy?
... Is it to prove, that intelligence and arrogance often go hand in hand? Well then, maybe its not arrogance but rather stupidity (again) to believe that a sufficient number of people will be ready to waste their money on a product like this app, to repay the time invested in building it.
Whatever! I recommend to download this app as long as its free and rate it the one star it deserves for showing that in the capitalistic world of ours, greed once more triumphed over reason and respectful interaction with customers! Oh, this is the Apple app store. Sorry, I forgot.
Hundertneunzehn about
Awareness! The Headphone App, v2.1